viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

4. What Experience Do I Have of Learning a Foreign Language?

I started having English classes since I was in elementary school, which gave me good bases for junior high. Throughout elementary school, I probably had two teachers. More than anything, I learned basic vocabulary such as the alphabet, greetings, numbers, colors, etc. My teachers used the Total Physical Response method. Expressions like “stand up” and “sit down” were among first ones that I learned in English. My teachers also used the Audio-Lingual method. They used techniques such as drills. I also remember using different textbooks. English was not a subject that I particularly loved in elementary school. But, the teaching methods were effective for this stage. After all, I did learn basic vocabulary.

Things were different in junior high. There was more emphasis on English at my school. I did not like my classes though. Sometimes, it was the classic example of “a teacher that only writes on the board the whole class; and then, students have to write down on their notebooks”. Other times, we would use the textbook a lot, and do some controlled and semi-controlled practice. On the other hand, free-practice was extremely rare. I gained some knowledge about different tenses, but I definitely did not work on my language skills. Besides, much of what I learned was, at the end, rote learning. My teacher probably knew a lot about the subject matter, but his teaching method was not effective. His classes were uninspiring and predictable.

Everything changed for the better when I changed schools. Of course, I had a new teacher. This teacher gave me classes in ninth grade and high school. The teacher only used L2, and we had to use L2 as well. The teacher used different techniques and activities of methods such as the Direct Method, the Audio-Lingual Method, the ESA method, and the Natural Approach. Even though we used textbooks, the teacher did not “teach by the book”. The book was a great material and resource, of course, but we used to do a variety of activities. This made the classes more interesting and dynamic. We used to do controlled, semi-controlled, and free-practice. I performed role-plays, and had presentations. The teacher cared about the student talking time.

Not only did my teacher know about subject matter and methodology, but also he could relate to students very well. He kept a good rapport in the class, and he truly cared about our learning. His classes, somehow, helped change my perspective. It was around this time that I started being really interested in English. My love for English started to grow at this point.

I chose my major because I was fascinated by the language. In the university, I have only had great English teachers. From every teacher, I have learned different and new things. I like that all of them use different techniques and activities of different methods (eclecticism). Since I started college, I have improved my language skills, and I have learned so many things about English.

My teachers have been a source of inspiration as well, which is one of the most important things for me. I have come to appreciate and admire every one of my English teachers. They have inspired me to be a better student, and they always inspire me to be a great and effective teacher in the future, just like they have been for me.

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