viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

7. How Can the Standard-Features Word-Processing Programs Be Exploited for Teaching Writing Skills?

Word-processing programs (Microsoft Word; Pages, etc) allow students to type in, edit, format, save, and print text. Word-processing programs include certain features that facilitate writing and revising. The process of revising and editing becomes easier and faster. This may appeal to students and engage them in the writing process. Students may feel more motivated when writing in word-processing programs rather than in the traditional way. In the 21st century classroom, it is very common to see teachers and students using this technology.

Because word-processing programs can be exploited for teaching writing skills, they are a great tool for EFL/ESL students. Teachers can assign writing tasks or exercises that students have to carry out in word-processing programs. For instance, teachers may ask students to write a paragraph. The teacher must give specific instructions, such as “you have to use the future continuous tense” or “you have to include vocabulary studied in class”. Teachers may also ask students to write a summary of a reading, or to write an essay in which students have to reflect on a certain topic or state their take on a real life issue. Paragraphs, summaries, essays, reports, short stories, and anecdotes: these are only some examples of writing tasks that teachers can assign to students.

Through these different activities, students improve their writing skills. The more students practice their writing, the better they get at sentence structure, grammar, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, and level of paragraph organization. In addition, through writing, you use and develop your high order thinking skills.

Many students say they do not like to write; they see it as a “tedious process”. Teachers face the challenge of coming up with creative ways to foster writing habits. Here, teachers can certainly take advantage of technology. One advantage of using word-processing programs is that students like the features and practicality of them. The easy text modification and formatting options, for instance, make students feel that the writing process is more dynamic and even more exciting. Another advantage is that students can easily display and share their work online in order to receive teacher and peer feedback. This is something students may enjoy.

This blog itself is an example of how using word-processing programs is helpful in working on writing skills. I use a word-processing program to write my blog entry. While writing my blog entry, I reflect on a certain topic about teaching and learning. In addition, I work on my grammar, sentence structure, spelling, and level of paragraph organization. I focus both in “substance” and “form”. The fact of using a word-processing program to write my entry allows me to format and edit my text without complications. All the features that the program offers and the possibilities these features bring make the writing process even more engaging for me. Then, I copy and paste my writing in the blog, where I share my work so that everyone else can read it. I can also receive feedback, which allows me to see my mistakes and check the areas that need improvement. At the end, I have the satisfaction of having produced a piece of writing.

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