viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

6. The Role of Technology in Second Language Teaching and Learning

The use of technology offers the possibility to enhance education. For this reason, technology should play a central role in second language teaching and learning.

 EFL/ESL Teachers need to find ways to integrate new technologies into their classrooms and lessons as they bring huge benefits to language learners. Technologies such as videos, podcasts, blogs, etc. allow learners to improve their language skills. For instance, students can practice their writing skills by writing a blog, or practice their listening skills through a podcast or video. By using these technologies, students feel more engaged in the learning process as they practice their macro-skills in a more interesting way.

Students enjoy using several technologies as part of their strategic investment. Many learners like to watch videos or read articles in wikis. Others prefer to listen to podcasts, or play video games. It all depends on the students´ likes and interests. Moreover, it depends on what students need to improve or work on. For example, is it their listening skills? Is it their grammar? Is it their vocabulary?, etc. Here, we can see how technology is a great resource for students to practice their English outside the classroom, at all times and according to their personal situation.

Nowadays, teachers also have the opportunity to use social networks to communicate with students and make the learning process more interactive. Through social networks, there is space for collaborative learning. Besides, social networks can create a sense of community if they are used effectively.

We live in the “digital age”. It is essential that teachers keep updated with technologies that can help enhance the learning process. Both English teachers and learners need to know how to use the latest technologies and take advantage of them. 

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