miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013

5. How Can We Give Effective Feedback to Our Students?

Learning cannot take place without effective feedback. Through it, we can shape successful learners. We give feedback to our students so that they are able to reflect on their performance, and consequently improve it. Feedback provides students insight to whether they have reached the objectives we have set for them or not.

Feedback is much more than grading the qualities of a student´s work. Feedback is a form of communication between teachers and students (oral or written), and thus it needs to be done effectively. For instance, when we give feedback to our students, we must offer input on their strengths and weaknesses, focusing both on their successes and areas for improvement. For this reason, we say that feedback has the power to create reflective learners, that is, learners who reflect upon their progress and establish ways to improve.

Feedback should be aimed at recognizing students´ efforts and helping them progress. It should not, in any moment, affect students’ self-esteem negatively. Therefore, our comments should always be phrased positively. This does not mean we are not going to discuss our students´ weaknesses or aspects of the work that were not done right. Instead, it means that we must be careful with our choice of words and body language – especially when we are giving oral feedback. In addition, we should always avoid comparisons with other students.

“The most powerful single moderator that enhances achievement is feedback." 

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