viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

11. Goals and Most Important Principles of Classroom Management

Classroom management is one of the most challenging aspects of a teacher´s job. Effective teaching requires good classroom management. Teachers need to create the conditions that will help learning take place. For this reason, when building appropriate learning environments for our students, classroom management plays an essential role.

Classroom management includes many different areas such as arranging seating and space; setting up, timing, and monitoring activities; giving clear instructions; and dealing with unexpected problems. There are a variety of classroom management parameters which teachers have to take into account in order to deliver their lesson successfully. Among them, we have error correction, attention, momentum, time, space, routines, and discipline.

It does not matter the parameter or aspect of classroom management we are talking about. All of them require teachers to be aware of what is going with their students and what is going on inside the classroom so that they are able to develop the class effectively. For instance, take attention and momentum. Attention means that teachers need to keep students involved, and focused on learning activities, and Momentum refers to how teachers keep the ongoing flow of events in the classroom. As you can see, classroom management involves teachers´ ability to read classroom events, make decisions, and chose a course of action. 

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

10. What Are My Motives for Teaching? What Rewards or Incentives Do I Get from Teaching?

When I started learning English, I fell in love with the language immediately. I really enjoyed my English classes. My first English teacher had a lot to do with this. She was a great teacher in all aspects: subject matter, methodology and rapport. She made a big impression on me. I remember thinking once: “I like what she does; I think I could do that”.

Choosing my major, then, was not that hard. I did it not only out of my love for English, but also for my interest in ELT. Over time, my love for my major has grown. It keeps me going, giving the strength to face different challenges. I believe that when you enjoy what you do, you feel motivated to do a good job, and it usually shows through your work. I hope I am able to inspire my students so that they can feel the same love for language learning.

In my journey as a teacher, there are always going to be learning opportunities for me, and I plan to take on each of them. I want to become more skilled and feel more empowered over time. In this life, you never really stop growing and learning. In my case, I want to be a lifelong learner because it will help me become a better teacher and person. For instance, I can never stop working on my teaching skills. This is not only about my personal growth or self-fulfillment, but also about the benefit of my students. In the case of a teacher, it is always this way. If I am a lifelong learner, I will always have something new to offer to my students. If my teaching is effective and meaningful, then my student´s learning will be meaningful as well. 

Teachers mean something for students, and students mean something for teachers. I can never forget that my teaching will affect my students - for better or worse. For this reason, I cannot allow myself to do a mediocre job. It is for my students that I want to be the best version of myself. Without them, I have no job, no purpose. Ultimately, this is the reward I get from teaching: knowing that if I do a great job, I will have helped transform someone´s life.

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

9. Working with Teenagers: What I Like and What I Do Not Like

There are two words I can use to describe what is like to work with teenagers: challenging, and rewarding. Adolescence is perhaps one of the most difficult stages of life. It is a time of changes and discoveries. Teenagers are no longer children, but they are not adults either. It is essential to understand that the teenage brain is not fully developed. Teens still cannot control their impulses, or make good judgments the way adults do. For these reasons and many others, it is no wonder that working with teenagers is a big challenge.

But, challenges are good, aren´t they? The truth is that working with teens demands so much from us. We must understand what our teenage students need from us. We must guide, nurture and inspire our students. If we are able to do all this, then we will have done our job. We will have helped our students develop their skills and potential. We will have walked by their side in one of the most important times of their lives. What can be more rewarding than that?

 "At the end of the day, teenagers need us to be the best version of ourselves". 

During my teaching practicum, I have come to realize several things that I like about working with teens:

1. When you are in a room full of teens, you feel you are in a room full of life. 
Teens are very energetic. Sometimes, this can feel overwhelming. But, we need to be able to redirect their energy and enthusiasm so that learning takes place. For instance, we can make them use their energy when we develop different classroom activities.

2. Teens are spontaneous and witty. 
It was interesting to hear all the things my teenage students came up with. They are unpredictable as well; you do not know if they are going to be cheerful, or moody. You do not know how they are going to respond to a certain activity or request. This was a bit daunting at times, but it also made my whole experience more interesting. For me, it was engaging to see how my teenage students behaved and interacted with each other.

3. Teens are curious, which is probably what I like the most. 
Teens like to learn and discover new things. To my surprise, a large part of my students were truly interested in English. Many of them liked to participate in class. Even after classes, some students would come to me, and ask me the meaning of some words.

Based on my teaching practicum, I can also name some things that I did not like about working with teens: 

While there were students willing to cooperate, there were also students reluctant to pay attention, listen to instructions, or participate in classroom activities. Some of my teenage students were disrespectful. I noticed some had bad attitudes, and I even heard nasty words. I know that sometimes this is due to teens’ moodiness. But, more often than not, it is the reflection of the bad education system we have in our country. Unfortunately, teachers and school administrators dismiss or do not care about the critical problems their students and schools face.

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

8. What Can the World Wide Web Offer ESL/EFL Teachers?

Being teachers in the digital age, we have one of the most useful tools at our reach: the World Wide Web. The internet, which is the biggest source of information, has a lot to offer to ESL/EFL teachers. Teachers can take advantage of all the information and resources that are available online in order to better their teaching. 

Through the internet, teachers are able to do some research or look for certain materials, which is necessary when preparing a lesson plan. Teachers can find a variety of instructional and authentic materials to be used in class. For instance, teachers can look for worksheets or articles. Nowadays, there are many websites that are specially designed for this purpose. Besides, teachers can find new ideas for activities. For example, there are hundreds of warm-ups or role-play situations online.

The internet also allows teachers to integrate technology into the classroom. Teachers can use videos, podcasts, and interactive power points in their classes. Each of these technologies offers different benefits to students.

The internet offers many learning opportunities for teachers. Let´s remember that teachers must be life-long learners. Teachers should take advantage of the different resources for their professional development. Through videos, podcasts, or online courses, teachers can continue improving their English. They can also keep updated with teaching methodology, or they can specialize in a particular area of their interest.

Finally, the internet is a powerful communication which allows teachers to interact with other teachers and students. Teachers can share experiences and find support with their fellow teachers. Let´s remember that social networks can create a sense of community and allow collaborative learning as well.

It is now very common to see teachers interact with students through social networks, where teachers can share videos, podcasts, articles, etc. As you can see, not only do social networks allow communication between teachers and students outside the school, but also they allow opportunities for learning.